27 februari 2015

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day - this year on Sunday April 26th, 2015

The Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day (WPPD) is an annual event at the last Sunday in April. This year it will be on Sunday April 26th. 

Everyone is invited to make/use a (simple) pinhole camera and make a pinhole image on the last Sunday in April. Everyone can post one image in the gallery on the site and view all the other entries (see also: http://www.pinholeday.org/participate/)There will also be all kinds of local events all over the world, also suitable for non-experienced pinhole photographers. You'll find a list on the site or you can post your own local activity.
And remember: you still have over a month to tinker up a simple pinhole camera and get some film or photo paper to shoot with. Need help, tips or inspiration? Check this out: http://www.pinholeday.org/support/


What is WPPD about?
New to pinhole photography or WPPD?
Anyone, anywhere in the world, who makes a pinhole photograph on the last Sunday in April, can scan it and upload it to this website where it will become part of the annual Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day celebration's online gallery.” 

There will be several workshops all around the world on this day. You don’t have to have experience or a pinhole camera yourself, there are often extra cameras available to use (but ask in advance). You can locate a local event here:http://www.pinholeday.org/events/index.php

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